"When she was just a girl She expected the world But it flew away from her reach So she ran away in her sleep Dreamed of paradise" - coldplay facebook/ twitter

17th years old girl who do nothing for her world. am like grey color on the box, too sweet and too pure for black color. I write when I write, what I write. Your critism is welcomed. thanks.

Januari 2010 Februari 2010 Mei 2010 September 2010 Oktober 2010
so i hate you 01.29 Rabu, 26 Mei 2010
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Gave me two different tears after all these years
Tears of joy, tears of pain, like sunshine and rain
So I hate you, so I love you
So I hate you, so I love you

wonder girls - 2 Different Tears


"Today, I decide that its true."